Interesting Facts

1712: Foundation of the Villa de San Felipe de Linares

On April 10, 1712, the sergeant major Don Sebastián de Villegas Cumplido founded the town of San Felipe de Linares in homage to the Viceroy, Don Fernando de Alencastre Noroña y Silva, Duke of Linares. However, since the settlement was within the jurisdiction of the Hualahuises, the natives of this place disagreed and began a series of disputes with a view to reassigning the Villa de San Felipe "one league to the east of the Hualahuises lands." .

1715: A license is issued for the residents of San Felipe to change the location of the town.

In November 1715, a license was issued for the residents of "San Felipe de Linares" to change the Villa to another more distant place, but the inhabitants of San Felipe, wanting to settle, contacted Don Fernando Alencastre Noroña and Silvia Duque de Linares, asking him the problem, ordering reports tending to justify what was true regarding the facts pointed out in the petition, resulting in favorable reports rendered by the commissioners.


The town is erected as a city.


The Cathedral of San Felipe is built.


The chapel of the Lord of Mercy is built.

1825 The Municipal Palace is built.

The Municipal Palace of Linares dates from the 19th century. With a square floor plan and a central patio with triple arches, this building, which is currently waiting to be rehabilitated, shows a neoclassical façade, of which its portico is the most notable element. It is the work of the architect Jorge Porrúa Moreno.