One of the things that stands out the most about the magical town of Linares is its music, which has resonated in other parts of the world.
To the south of the state of Nuevo León, in the so-called Citrus Region, is the municipality of Linares, a place that for a few years has earned the category of Magical Town thanks to its great cultural richness.
And speaking of the latter, one of the things that stands out the most is undoubtedly its music, the most emblematic being that of the famous “tamborileros de Linares ”.
They are so representative of this city that they have been performed in the United States, several European countries and even in Japan.
The groups of drummers are usually made up of three members: two clarinetists (the first and the second, or, in other words, the one with the treble and the one with the bass) and a drummer. The way of playing this music can vary, although the number of clarinets can equally (one or two), the tambora not (only one)
Another sign of the importance of these musicians for the culture in Linares is that at the end of the famous Villaseca Fair, the municipal council grants the so-called "Tambora de Villaseca" to those residents of Linares distinguished for their artistic, scientific or social contributions to the population. the municipality and the rest of the world.